England policy
Children and young people
Find out more about our policy work relating to children and young people in England.
- Follow @rcsltpolicy on Twitter for more news and updates.
Bercow: Ten Years On
In response to concerns about the support for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and major changes in the education and health systems, I CAN, the children’s communication charity, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) have undertaken an independent review of provision for children with SLCN in England.
Since the first call for evidence in January 2017, we have heard from more than 2,500 people including children and young people; their parents and carers; practitioners, and other key stakeholders.
The report, published on 20 March 2018, brings together the outputs of the review and includes strong recommendations to government and local leaders.
Find out more and read the report at: www.bercow10yearson.com
Bercow: Ten Years On marks a decade since the publication of The Bercow Report: A Review of Services for Children and Young People (0-19) with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
Read the original Bercow report (PDF)
If you have any questions about Bercow: Ten Years On, please contact us.
Read the Six month progress report (PDF)
The Bercow Report, 2008
The Bercow review was published in July 2008 as the result of an independent cross-government review chaired by John Bercow, MP and RCSLT vice-president.
The report, entitled the Bercow review of services for children and young people (ages 0-19) with speech, language and communication needs, was the culmination of a major consultation process. It included a questionnaire which received over 2,000 responses, meetings with groups of parents and visits to children’s centres, nurseries, primary and secondary schools across England.
The final report followed the submission of an interim report in March 2008. The RCSLT worked closely with the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and Mr Bercow to support and contribute to the review.
The report set out 40 recommendations to improve services, and the Government launched its response to the review on 17 December 2008.
The response, Better Communication: An action plan to improve services for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), accepted many of the review’s recommendations.
The action plan contained a range of initiatives to improve services for children and young people with SLCN, and understanding across the whole children’s workforce of the importance of speech, language and communication.
Many initiatives are integrated within mainstream programmes and projects, to ensure all services understand the importance of supporting children with SLCN.
A decade later, the RCSLT has published Bercow: Ten Years On.
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms
The SEND reforms were the theme of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Speech and Language Difficulties meeting on 21 February 2017.
Derek Munn, RCSLT’s Director of Policy and Public Affairs, gave a presentation on RCSLT’s SEND reforms report (PDF).
RCSLT presentation
RCSLT’s presentation (PDF) highlighted the findings of the report, its policy calls and what it is going to do to help address some of the issues. Nick Smith MP has asked a written question on the report. During the meeting:
- The Communication Trust highlighted its Workforce Development Report (PDF).
- The Driver Youth Trust highlighted its Joining The Dots Report (PDF) and Joining The Dots Recommendations Card (PDF).
For more information, please contact us.
Children and young people’s mental health
Community rehabilitation
RCSLT is part of the Community Rehabilitation Alliance which includes national charities and professional bodies who are all committed to improving commissioning, planning and delivery of rehabilitation.
In May 2020, the RCSLT submitted evidence to the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry ‘Delivering core NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond’ – Read the RCSLT’s evidence (PDF).
Mental health
The RCSLT is prioritising mental health work across children and adults for 2020. This directly links to our mission of enabling better lives for people with communication and swallowing needs.
The RCSLT’s stroke policy
Influencing stroke policy
On 10 May 2016, the RCSLT invited speech and language therapy stroke leads from 50 services across England to the RCSLT stroke study day to discuss how their service records data in SSNAP and to discuss the draft fifth edition of the stroke clinical guidelines. The stroke study day was supported by Sue Pownall and Rosemary Cunningham, the RCSLT representatives for the Royal College of Physicians.
- Read an article about the stroke study day in Bulletin, July 2016 (PDF)
RCSLT stroke study day 2018
The RCSLT held a stroke study day ‘Continuing Improvement in Stroke Care – The way forward’ on Friday 27 April 2018 at RCSLT London.
Aims and objectives
It was our aim that delegates would:
- Find out how SLTs should record data for the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP)
- Learn how to interpret SSNAP data
- Understand how to improve SSNAP scores
- Be able to apply SSNAP data work for Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) and use it to grow services
- Have the chance to discuss the latest guidance in stroke and the impact on SLT services
Top five therapy questions on SSNAP.
NICE Stroke rehabilitation in adults
Supporting guidelines and resources
- Therapy report (PDF): The purpose of the therapy report is to provide a summary of the therapy aspects of SSNAP. This includes an overview of how therapy data is collected and reported on by SSNAP and provides guidance for data entry and submission
- RCSLT factsheet: supporting people after a stroke (PDF)
- The fifth edition of the National clinical guideline for stroke
- The profession specific and concise guides
- The Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
- NICE Stroke rehabilitation in adults
RCSLT’s stroke campaign calls
During the RCSLT stroke campaign we called for:
- One in 10: in an acute ward there must be one speech and language therapist for every 10 people who have had a stroke
- A communication lifeline: every stroke survivor must have prompt referral to speech and language therapy to allow rapid development of methods of communication in the immediate days following their stroke
- Community service: every community stroke team must have at least one speech and language therapist
Please contact us for more information.
Key messages
- Speech, language and communication difficulties can cause a significant barrier to accessing work support services.
- Services which aim to provide access to welfare, support people into work and / or retain people in work must mainstream inclusive communication approaches throughout their procedures.
- All information on services must be communication accessible.
- Front line staff should be trained and provided with resources to be able to identify and adapt their own communication to the needs of people with speech, language and communication needs.
Improving lives: The Work, health and disability green paper
The joint Department of Health and Department for Work and Pensions green paper was published in October 2016. The Government’s aim was to improve the links between health services and employment support and to close the disability employment gap.
The RCSLT response to the “Improving Lives: The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper”
In our response (PDF) we highlighted the lack of acknowledgement of communication disability and the challenge this presents to people with communication impairments in both entering work and remaining in work.
The RCSLT successfully lobbying the Government to include two case studies within the Green Paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of speech and language therapy in rehabilitation: ‘Anita’ is featured on page 20; while ‘Robert’s’ case study appears on page 71.
Read the Bulletin, April 2017 article (PDF) discussing our response
The Council for Work and Health
The Council for Work and Health was established in 2008 as part of the Government’s response to Dame Carol Black’s 2008 report “Working for a healthier tomorrow.” The Council comprises the professional bodies which represent those engaged in the delivery of health and wellbeing, and occupational health services, as well as others supporting work and health. The RCSLT is delighted to be a member. The Council provides an authoritative and representative “single voice” on health and wellbeing issues.
AHP Advisory Fitness for Work Report
The Allied Health Professions (AHP) Advisory Fitness for Work Report is an A4 form which provides an employee, their employer and GP with information on the employee’s reported problem and to help keep that employee in or return to work following illness, injury or recovery from treatment.
Support for speech and language therapy services
What are the workforce priorities for AHPs in England’s mental health services
Health Education England (HEE) have commissioned a rapid research project to explore and understand what AHPs believe are our top workforce issues and priorities for mental health. HEE want to use this information help inform the development of future policy both in the short and longer term. The RCOT has been invited to lead this important project, which will be delivered in collaboration with BAAT and Clever Together and all the AHP Royal Colleges /AHP professional bodies have been invited to get involved.
A report will be produced for HEE’s internal use and will provide them with guidance to write public responses or position papers about its intentions and plans.
The RCSLT wants to influence the future SLT workforce, so please get in touch to get involved with this exciting mental health project.
Other work we are involved with
- #PrescribingNow campaign, calling on the UK government to extend prescribing abilities
- Engaging with HEE to inform the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health.
- Engaging with NHS Improvement on their mental health work contributing to the Five Year Forward View.
- Discussions with NHS Benchmarking on data collection and input/outputs.
- Engaging and responding to relevant NICE guidelines and quality standards.
- Influencing government-led initiatives: planning for mental capacity legislation this Summer and mental health legislation later in 2018/19 and the Independent Review of Mental Health Act.
- Representation at groups and committees including Senior Mental Health Leaders Seminar.
- The RCSLT has developed a key messages briefing (PDF)
- RCSLT response to the APPG on Parkinson’s mental health inquiry (PDF)
- RCSLT response to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into mental health in prisons (PDF)
- RCSLT Bulletin article on SLTs and mental health (PDF)
- RCSLT Bulletin article on R&D: Evidence-informed practice in areas with limited research (PDF)
- Supporting adults with mental health conditions: Speech and language therapists play an important role supporting adults with mental health conditions (PDF)
Please contact us to get involved.
Briefings, responses and statements
Follow our work on policy and campaigns. For material relating to the devolved nations, please see our pages for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Appreciation of Lord Ramsbotham
The appreciation details the many years of tireless support Lord Ramsbotham gave the speech and language therapy profession as the RCSLTs Honorary Life Vice-President.
2025 briefings
- Inclusive Parliament coalition statement on the Modernisation Committee (PDF) (February 2025)
- Briefing for Invest in SLT petition debate (PDF) (January 2025)
- Briefing for Committee Stage of Mental Health Bill (PDF) (January 2025)
2024 briefings
- House of Lords SEND debate briefing (PDF) (December 2024)
- Statement on an inclusive Parliament (PDF) (December 2024)
- Mental Health Bill Second Reading briefing (PDF) (November 2024)
- SEND In The Specialists second anniversary statement (PDF) (November 2024)
- Sector statement on tackling child poverty (PDF) (November 2024)
- Sector statement on homelessness (PDF) (October 2024)
- Briefing for debate on improving support for mental health (PDF) (October 2024)
- Briefing for prison debates (PDF) (September 2024)
- RCSLT Autumn Budget 2024 spending review submission (PDF) (September 2024)
- Briefing on SEND services (PDF) (September 24)
- Briefing on RCSLT work on stammering 2022-2024 (PDF) (August 2024)
- Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Statutory Guidance Consultation (PDF) (July 2024)
- Centre for Social Justice mental health call for evidence (PDF) (June 2024)
- Briefing on King’s Speech (PDF) (July 2024)
- Summary of general election manifestos (PDF) (June 2024)
- Briefing for Buckland Review debate (PDF) (April 2024)
- Briefing for Lord Bradley question on prescribing (PDF) (February 2024)
- Statement on fears for people with language-led dementias (PDF) (January 2024)
2023 briefings
- RCSLT submission to APPG on Hospice & End of Life Care Inquiry (PDF) (August 2023)
- RCSLT MP brochure – Supporting communication with your constituents (PDF) (July 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: cancer (PDF) (June 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: cardiovascular disease (PDF) (June 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: dementia (PDF) (June 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: mental ill health (PDF) (June 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: palliative care (PDF) (June 2023)
- Major conditions strategy: chronic respiratory disease (PDF) (June 2023)
- RCSLT submission to the Buckland Review of Autism Employment (PDF) (May 2023)
- Labour National Policy Forum (PDF) (March 2023)
- #SENDinTheSpecialists briefing for SEND debate (March 2023)
- RCSLT briefing for SEND debate (March 2023)
- Send in the Specialists presentation (Feb 2023) – Presented to the Special Education Consortium
- RCSLT response to Hewitt Review call for evidence (PDF) (January 2023)
2022 briefings
- RCSLT response Draft Mental Health Bill Inquiry 2022 (PDF) (September 2022)
- RCSLT response to UK government consultation on mental capacity (PDF) (July 2022)
- RCSLT response to DHSC acquired brain injury call for evidence (PDF) (July 2022)
- RCSLT response to DHSC mental health call for evidence (PDF) (July 2022)
- Schools Bill – House of Lords Report Stage briefing (PDF) (July 2022)
- Schools Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage joint briefing with Voice21 and I CAN on spoken language and communication (PDF) (updated 28 June 2022)
- Controlling and coercive behaviour draft statutory guidance framework consultation response (PDF) (June 2022)
- Schools Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage joint briefing with Voice21 and I CAN on spoken language and communication (PDF) (updated 24 June 2022)
- RCSLT submission to cancer call for evidence (PDF) (April 2022)
- RCSLT response to Department for Education consultation on Behaviour in Schools guidance (PDF) (March 2022)
- Initial RCSLT response to Road to Recovery speech (PDF) (March 2022)
- RCSLT Report Stage briefing on Health and Care Bill (PDF) (February 2022)
- AHPF letter on Health and Care Bill (PDF) (February 2022)
- Community Rehabilitation Alliance letter to Lord Kamall (PDF) (February 2022)
- Health and Care Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage briefing on the NHS number as a unique identifier (PDF) (January 2022)
- Health and Care Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage briefing on relevant amendments (PDF) (January 2022)
- Health and Care Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage briefing on children and young people (PDF) (January 2022)
- Health and Care Bill – House of Lords Committee Stage briefing on workforce (PDF) (January 2022)
2021 briefings
- Supporting children and young people with communication and swallowing needs_(PDF) (December 2021)
- Supporting adults with communication and swallowing needs (PDF)_(December 2021)
- Joint policy statement on the centrality of spoken language development to literacy and numeracy (PDF) (December 2021)
- Health and Care Bill – House of Lords Second Reading briefing (PDF) (November 2021)
- RCSLT submission to the Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry into “Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic” (PDF) (September 2021)
- RCSLT submission to Spending Review 2021 (PDF) (September 2021)
- RCSLT briefing on the Health and Care Bill (PDF) (September 2021)
- HPIG Committee Stage Health and Care Bill briefing (PDF) (September 2021)
- Domestic Abuse Act statutory guidance consultation joint RCSLT & AYM submission (PDF) (September 2021)
- RCSLT presentation on raising the profile of the SLT profession to the public (PDF) (August 2021)
- AGP Alliance statement on Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust research (PDF) (June 2021)
- Submission to the APPG for Looked After Children and Care Leavers Spotlight Inquiry (PDF) (June 2021)
- Debate about impact of COVID-19 on people with neurological conditions (PDF) (May 2021)
- Queen’s Speech 2021 briefing (PDF) (May 2021)
- Domestic Abuse Act – Royal Assent Statement (PDF) (April 2021)
- Domestic Abuse Bill – Report Stage Summary (PDF) (March 2021)
- RCSLT briefing on Reforming the Mental Health Act (PDF) (March 2021)
- Domestic Abuse Bill – Report Stage briefing (PDF) (March 2021)
- Domestic Abuse Bill – Committee Stage briefing (PDF) (January 2021)
2020 briefing
- Briefing on the Medicines and Medical Devices Bill (PDF) (September 2020)
- RCSLT statement on NHS People Plan (PDF) (July 2020)
- RCSLT response to Public Accounts Committee Report (PDF) (July 2020)
- RCSLT briefing on the Domestic Abuse Bill (PDF) (July 2020)
- RCSLT letter to the Home Secretary on the Domestic Abuse Bill (PDF) (May 2020)
- RCSLT mental health narrative (PDF) (May 2020)
- Letter to Jo Churchill on prescribing rights for allied health professionals (PDF) (May 2020)
- RCSLT statement on SLT services (PDF) (April 2020)
- Supporting vulnerable children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF) (April 2020)
- RCSLT briefing on Medicines and Medical Devices Bill (PDF) (March 2020)
- RCSLT briefing on educational opportunities available to children and young people from working class backgrounds (PDF) (March 2020)
- RCSLT statement on the Coronavirus Bill (PDF) (March 2020)
- RCSLT briefing on the NHS Funding Bill (PDF) (February 2020)
- Briefing for debate on mandatory training on learning disability and autism (PDF) (February 2020)
- Lord Touhig Oral Question on reducing the disability gap (PDF) (February 2020)
- RCSLT response to NHS England and NHS Improvement consultation on Primary Care Networks (PDF) (January 2020)
- RCSLT briefing on the NHS Funding Bill (PDF) (January 2020)
2019 briefings
- Queen’s Speech (PDF) (December 2019)
- RCSLT response to Suffering in Silence: Access to specialist services for children who stammer (PDF) (November 2019)
- RCSLT submission on Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s (PDF) (October 2019)
- RCSLT response to Education Select Committee inquiry into special educational needs and disabilities (PDF) (October 2019)
- RCSLT briefing on the Queen’s Speech (PDF) (October 2019)
- RCSLT statement on NAO report on support for pupils with SEND (PDF) (September 2019)
- I CAN and RCSLT statement on five years of SEND reforms (PDF) (August 2019)
- RCSLT briefing for debate on the Inter-ministerial Group on Early Years Family Support (PDF) (July 2019)
- RCSLT briefing on special educational needs statistics (PDF) (July 2019)
- Briefing for Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provision conference (PDF) (July 2019)
- RCSLT briefing for debate on acquired brain injury (PDF) (July 2019)
- RCSLT briefing for debate on the impact of government policy on knife crime (PDF) (June 2019)
- RCSLT briefing for debate on APPG on Dementia report (PDF) (June 2019)
- RCSLT response to We need to talk: Access to speech and language therapy (PDF) (June 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – major health conditions (PDF) (May 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – research and innovation (PDF) (May 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – workforce (PDF) (May 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of the NHS Long Term Plan – digital and informatics (PDF) (May 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of the NHS Long Term Plan – taxpayers’ investment (PDF) (May 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of the NHS Long Term Plan – wider social goals (PDF) (May 2019)
- Supporting the most disadvantaged families (PDF) (March 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – A strong start in life for children and young people (PDF) (March 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – More NHS action on prevention and health inequalities (PDF) (March 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – A new service model for the 21st century (PDF) (February 2019)
- RCSLT analysis of NHS Long Term Plan – Structural change and Integrated Care Systems (PDF) (February 2019)
- Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill – House of Commons Report Stage and Third Reading (PDF) (February 2019)
- RCSLT briefing on NHS England Long Term Plan (PDF) (February 2019)
- Improving mental health outcomes for school age children (PDF) (January 2019)
- RCSLT response to NHS Long Term Plan (PDF) (January 2019)
2018 briefings
- Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill – House of Commons Second Reading (PDF) (December 2018)
- RCSLT response to Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision Green Paper (PDF) (July 2018)
2017 briefings
- RCSLT submission to UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PDF) (June 2017)
- Queen’s Speech (PDF) (June 2017)
- RCSLT submission to APPG on Parkinson’s ‘Mental health matters too’ inquiry (PDF)
Consultation responses
- Centre for Social Justice Social Justice Commission Submission (PDF) (April 2023)
- The Times Health Commission Consultation response (PDF) (April 2023)
- Final Spoken Language and Communication Coalition LPF Submission
- RCSLT evidence to the Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Group’s inquiry – Speak for Change (PDF) (September 2019)
- RCSLT response to NHS long-term plan consultation (PDF) (September 2018)
- RCSLT submission to NHS England consultation on Tier 4 CAMHS Service Specification (PDF) (August 2018)
- RCSLT submission to Children in need of help and protection call for evidence (PDF) (June 2018)
- RCSLT submission to the exclusions review (PDF) (May 2018)
- RCSLT to Children and Young People’s Mental Health Green Paper consultation (PDF) (February 2018)
- RCSLT submission to restraint and restrictive behaviour consultation (PDF) (January 2018)
- RCSLT submission to NHS England consultation on CAMHS (PDF) (November 2017)
- RCSLT response to Work, Health and Disability Green Paper Consultation (PDF) (February 2017)
- Response to NI Draft Mental Capacity Bill (PDF) (August 2014)
NHS England’s Five Year Forward View
Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)
Read the RCSLT factsheet on how speech and language therapy services are integral to the delivery of sustainability and transformation plan goals (PDF). It can be printed on A3 paper and folded into an A4 booklet.
Read how to influence the Sustainable Transformation Plan (STP) development in your area (PDF)
Read the briefing on STPs from the Kings Fund
RCSLT factsheets
Take a look at Speech and language therapy factsheets
Key policy issues
Find out more about workforce planning
- RCSLT key messages briefing (PDF).
- RCSLT response to the APPG on Parkinson’s mental health inquiry (PDF).
- RCSLT response to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into mental health in prisons (PDF).
- RCSLT Bulletin article on SLTs and mental health (PDF).
- RCSLT Bulletin article on R&D: Evidence-informed practice in areas with limited research (PDF).
Please contact us to get involved.
Campaigns and projects
- RCSLT new SEND report January 2017 (PDF) – The RCSLT is calling on the government to guarantee that local authorities and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), commission speech and language therapy services for children and young people as many are not getting the support they need.
- Bercow: ten years on – In response to concerns about the support for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and major changes in the education and health system, I CAN, children’s communication charity and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) are undertaking a national review of support for children with SLCN in England.
- Student funding reforms – The RCSLT has worked closely with staff in higher education institutions on our consultation response, using the findings of our student survey and direct member feedback to inform our policy position on the reforms.
- Giving Voice – The campaign aims to ‘give voice’ to people with speech, language and communication needs – to ensure their needs, and those of their carers and families, are met. We equip our members to demonstrate locally how speech and language therapy makes a difference to individuals and society, while RCSLT officers work to engage decision makers and the media at a national level. Contact us
For further information about our work in the UK Parliament, please contact us.
APPG on Speech and Language Difficulties
The RCSLT provides the secretariat of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Speech and Language Difficulties. The Group was launched in 2007 and aims to:
- Make parliament aware that the ability to communicate is a crucial life skill for all.
- Increase awareness about the impact communication difficulties have on people’s lives.
- Highlight the importance of early identification and intervention.
- Press for increased provision of speech and language therapy items.
There is more information about the APPG on the parliament website.
Officers of the Group:
- Chair: Geraint Davies MP
- Co-Chair: Lord Ramsbotham
- Vice-Chairs: Peter Aldous MP, Steve McCabe MP, Lord Shinkwin, Baroness Whitaker
Secretariat contact
Please contact us and we will be happy to help with any queries about the APPG.
Meetings of the APPG on speech and language difficulties
The APPG on Speech and Language Difficulties will hold its AGM on Tuesday 16 May, in Room M, PCH, 17:00-18:00.
APPG on Speech and Language Difficulties meeting – Monday 11 July 4pm-5pm
Professor Courtenay Norbury will be a presenting to a virtual meeting on the latest research into Developmental Language Disorder and what needs to happen to better children and young people with the condition. For more information, contact peter.just@rcslt.org.
Learn more about the APPG on speech and language difficulties meetings.
Inquiry into the links between speech, language and communication needs and social disadvantage
In 2012, the Group undertook an inquiry into the links between speech, language and communications and social disadvantage.
- Read the report from an inquiry into the links between speech, language and communication needs and social disadvantage – February 2013 (PDF)
Ahead of the 2021 Budget, Geraint Davies MP co-ordinated a letter from 20 All-Party Parliamentary Groups to the Prime Minister and Chancellor. The letter calls on the Government to improve support for people with communication and swallowing needs, including through increasing access to and funding for speech and language therapy.
- Statement on oracy and spoken language (PDF), 25 February 2022
- Statement on Lord Ramsbotham’s resignation as Co-Chair (PDF)
Consultation responses
Integrated Care Systems
Integrated care systems (ICSs) are partnerships of organisations that work collectively to plan and deliver joined up health and care services which meet the needs of people who live and work in their area. ICSs aim to improve healthcare outcomes, tackle inequalities, enhance productivity and value for money, and help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.
The development of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) provides an opportunity for speech and language therapists to influence the development and direction of new structures, plans and priorities.
By making connections with the right leaders in your local system, sharing the evidence base and convincing them that speech and language therapy can help them to deliver on their priorities, you could make a real difference to the services that are available for the people in your local area.
You can find more information about ICSs, along with resources you can use to support your local influencing, below.
To support the speech and language therapy role in ICSs, the RCSLT has developed information for SLTs, outlining what ICSs are, how AHPs are represented, and how you can get involved in your local ICS.
Download Integrated Care Systems: What SLTs Need to Know (PDF)
We have developed information for AHP Leads, which details the roles of SLTs and how they support the strategic purposes of integrated care and the national NHS objectives 2023-2024
Download Delivering Integrated Care: How Speech and Language Therapy Can Help (PDF)
During the passage of the Health and Care Act we were part of a coalition that helped to secure a higher priority for children and young people in ICSs. Find out what these new duties mean in practice, and how you can get involved.
Download What does the Health and Care Act 2022 mean for children and young people? (PDF)