Wales policy

Wales policy

Wales policy and public affairs team

Read this page in Welsh.

Empowered by members’ expertise, the RCSLT Wales Policy and Public Affairs team seeks to secure you a seat at the top table, influencing Welsh government ministers, Members of the Senedd and civil servants.

We build relationships with Members of the Senedd, Welsh Government and key organisations to change legislation and policy.

We campaign for better lives for people with communication and swallowing needs, including working with service users and service user organisations.

We support you to influence locally, providing you with both strategic advice and practical resources.

  • Pippa Cotterill – Head of Wales office (days of work – Monday)
  • Caroline Walters – External Affairs Manager (days of work – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • Naila Noori – External Affairs Officer, (days of work – Monday to Thursday)

Contact us

3rd Floor, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9SB

Telephone us:

Caroline Walters – 029 2002 5585

Naila Noori – 029 2002 5583

Email us:

Follow @RCSLTWales and @RCSLTpolicy on Twitter for latest news and updates.

Priorities for our office

Our priorities for 2024-25 are:

  • Preparing for the Senedd elections in 2026
  • Workforce including widening access to the profession
  • Additional learning needs
  • Care Closer to Home
  • Youth justice and preventative agenda
  • Communication Access UK (CAUK) – Welsh version
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

Opportunities to engage

RCSLT Wales needs your help to celebrate our 80th birthday!

As we gear up to celebrate the organisation’s 80th birthday in January, we need your help! Have you got a positive story to share about your work as a speech and language therapist or assistant? Do you have an inspiring story about how you came into the profession? Is there a family of SLTs working somewhere across Cymru? Do you have an unsung hero within your team? Are you the longest standing SLT in Wales? We want to hear from you!

Please email if you, or someone you know has an inspiring story we can share as part of our celebratory year. We’re looking at shouting about the great work that’s been done here in Wales via our social media channels, as well as writing some of these up into case studies that we could even share with broadcast and radio journalists. If you have photos and/or video content too that would be great, but please don’t worry if you don’t as we can support you with this aspect. Our work in Wales is never done, and we want to use the 80th anniversary as an opportunity to share all the great work happening, as well as calling for sustained increases to training places and investments in roles to improve support for people with communication and swallowing difficulties. There is no obligation or commitment with any of the above, so please do email us with any stories or testimonials in the first instance, and we will discuss any potential use of that with you in detail before anything is published. Diolch/thank you.

Find other ways to engage with the wider RCSLT on the get involved page.

Responses and briefings

Read this page in Welsh.

State of the Nation report

Senedd elections 2026

Children and young people

Child poverty
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Early years
Looked after children
Additional Learning Needs reform (ALN)
Neurodevelopmental services
Social emotional mental health
School of attendance


Mental health

General health and social care policy

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

RCSLT Wales factsheets

Communication Access UK (CAUK)

Communication Access UK is an initiative developed in partnership by charities and organisations that share a vision to improve the lives of people with communication difficulties. Led by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, together, we’ve developed the Communication Access Symbol, a new disability access symbol underpinned by a completely free training package and standards. We hope that these will help individuals and businesses or organisations to better support people with communication difficulties.

CAUK is a priority for our office. Our focus currently is the Welsh language version of the initiative.

Who should I try to influence in Wales?

Read this page in Welsh.

External stakeholders in Wales you can seek to influence include:


Past events

RCSLT Connect Wales 2024: One Wales, One Profession

The RCSLT held its first Connect event on Wednesday 12 June 2024. Members had the opportunity to connect with other SLTs, hear the latest policy updates, and further develop their practice.

Download the presentation (PDF)

South Wales hub day 

RCSLT Wales held a South Wales member event on Wednesday 8 March 2023.

The theme for the day was building relationships and partnerships.

You can access presentations that took place here:

North Wales hub day

RCSLT Wales hosted a North Wales member event on Wednesday 28 June 2023.

The themes of leadership, building relationships and partnerships were explored, and it was a great opportunity for members to network and share thoughts and experiences.

Download the presentation (PDF)