Appropriate Adults ‘Record of Communication Skills’ project (Scotland)
As part of the developments towards a statutory Appropriate Adult (AA) service the Scottish government commissioned the RCSLT to:
- Develop a speech, language and communication support tool to help AAs quickly and consistently identify:
- An individual’s speech, language and communication strengths.
- What they (and police officers) can do to help the individual understand and express themselves – and to record this.
- Behaviours which would indicate the need for a more comprehensive speech, language and communication assessment.
- Develop an associated online learning platform.
Download the final project report (March 2019) in plain English (PDF)
For the attention of RCSLT members
As the report says the Record of Communication Skills (ROCS) Tool and Guidelines have not yet been tested in a real world situation, RCSLT would ask and advise that they are NOT circulated, shared or used until otherwise advised.