Clinical information
Explore our open-access clinical information for details about individual clinical areas.
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Clinical areas
The following pages feature information and useful contacts for each clinical area.
- Acquired motor speech disorders
- Aphasia
- Augmentative and alternative communication
- Autism
- Bilingualism
- Brain injury
- Cleft lip and palate
- Craniofacial conditions
- Critical care
- Deafblindness (multi-sensory impairment)
- Deafness
- Dementia
- Developmental language disorder
- Dysfluency
- Eating, drinking and swallowing
- Eating and drinking with acknowledged risks
- End of life care
- Head and neck cancer
- Learning disabilities
- Long COVID
- Looked after children
- Mental health (adults)
- Motor disorders
- Neonatal care
- Progressive neurological disorders
- Public health
- Selective mutism
- Social communication disorder
- Social emotional mental health
- Speech sound disorders
- Stroke
- Trans voice
- Upper airway disorders within adult respiratory services
- Visual impairment
- Voice
- Voice banking
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This site contains links to other sites, which the RCSLT provides for the user’s information and convenience only. The RCSLT does not control or monitor these other sites, nor does their inclusion mean that the RCSLT recommends or endorses these sites, the organisations or companies that run the sites or anything contained within the sites. We reserve the right to withdraw any of these links at any time.