How to become a speech and language therapist
Speech and language therapists (SLTs) provide treatment, support and care for people of all ages who have difficulties with speech, language, communication, eating, drinking and swallowing. They work in all kinds of areas and settings to improve people’s quality of life.
Thinking about becoming an SLT? Explore a route that suits you…
All careers content
Why choose speech and language therapy?
Learn why being an SLT could be the perfect fit for you
University degrees
Find out where you could study and how to fund your degree
Applying for university
Tips and advice to ace your application
Want to earn while you learn?
The new speech and language therapy apprenticeships are coming in 2022
Thinking of changing career?
Information for career changers, mature students, and graduates of non-SLT courses
Career changer stories
Read about different paths to becoming an SLT
Speech and language therapy support workers
Information for support workers interested in becoming qualified SLTs
My working life
Find out what the career involves and learn about the rewards and challenges of the job from SLTs themselves
Your journey into speech and language therapy
View resources to help you find out how to pursue a career in speech and language therapy