Raising the profile of Speech and Language Therapy

The RCSLT is encouraging people to contact their MPs about speech and language therapy, it’s benefits and vital place in society


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About the campaign

Following the recent UK General Election, the RCSLT is encouraging speech and language therapists, and people accessing speech and language therapy and their families and carers, to contact their local MPs. 

We all know that speech and language therapy transforms lives. We know it is important to be inclusive of people with communication disability, difficulty, or difference. We know it is important to provide support to people with eating, drinking, and swallowing needs. As demonstrated by Mikey Akers’ Invest in SLT petition, we know it is important to invest in speech and language therapy services. It is not just us saying this. In June, over 40 organisations, and people having speech and language therapy, came together to issue a statement urging increased investment in speech and language therapy. 


To make that case to MPs, we need your help. We want you to ask MPs to pledge to: 

  1. be communication inclusive by undertaking the Communication Access training 
  2. work with the RCSLT on raising awareness of the need to invest in speech and language therapy 

For speech and language therapists

Thank you for your interest in engaging with your MP. 


How you can help

YOU CAN ask MPs to be Communication Inclusive by undertaking Communication Access training 

YOU CAN ask them to support the need to invest in speech and language therapy 

YOU CAN ask them to deliver better lives for people with communication and/or swallowing needs and their families 


Before you begin

  • Check if your work setting has guidance on engaging with MPs – this may affect what you can do in work time. 
  • Monitor @RCSLTpolicy for the latest updates.  
  • If you’re in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland: 
  • While most areas are devolved to the Scottish Government, Welsh Government, and Northern Ireland Assembly, MPs at Westminster can still pledge to be #CommunicationInclusive and support the need to #InvestInSLT.  
  • Follow @rcsltscot, @RCSLTWales & @RCSLTNI. 


If you have a spare 5 minutes

  • Contact your local MP via our dedicated pre-written email. All you need is 5 minutes and your postcode. 

     Download a template letter

If you have 10-15 minutes 

  • If you are approached by an MP, start conversations about the role of speech and language therapy and the work of the RCSLT. 
  • Tell them about the key parts of your job or what you see as important for the people you work with. 
  • Highlight the difference you make to people’s lives. For example: 

I recently supported a XXX who had XXX which meant that XXX.  After our work with them they can now XXX. 


If you have half an hour or more  

  • Attend one of the meetings your MPs organise in their constituencies. These are usually held on a Friday.  Find your MP’s details
  • Ask your MP what they will do to ensure people with communication and swallowing needs get the speech and language therapy support they need. 

Seek a meeting with your MP to discuss: 

  • the role of speech and language therapy in general 
  • the work of the RCSLT 
  • Ask your MP to do the Communication Access training, be communication inclusive, and support the need to invest in speech and language therapy. 
  • If your employer permits it, invite your local MP on a service visit to show them the work you do. The RCSLT can provide more advice on this. 

If you need any help or advice, please contact peter.just@rcslt.org or elissa.cregan@rcslt.org 

For people who access speech and language therapy

Thank you for your interest in engaging with your MP. 


How you can help

YOU CAN ask MPs to be Communication Inclusive by undertaking Communication Access training 

(Communication Access training is designed to ensure that communications are accessible to and inclusive of people with communication disability, difficulty, or difference) 

YOU CAN ask them to support the need to invest in speech and language therapy 

YOU CAN ask them to deliver better lives for people with communication and/or swallowing needs and their families 

Download our Easy Read document about how you can help

What you can do

  • Contact your local MP via our dedicated pre-written template. All you need is 5 minutes and your postcode. 

Download a letter template to write to your MP

Other ways you can help

  • Complete  Communication Access training  – it is free and easy to do: 
  • Encourage your personal and professional networks to complete Communication Access training
  • Follow @RCSLTpolicy and @GivingVoiceUK (for UK-wide and England-only updates) and/or @RCSLTScot, @RCSLTWales, @RCSLTNI for updates in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 


If you need any help or advice, please contact peter.just@rcslt.org or elissa.cregan@rcslt.org 

For MPs

Thank for your interest in our work.   To support you, we have produced: 

Other material that may be useful includes: 

If you need any more information, please contact elissa.cregan@rcslt.org or peter.just@rcslt.org  

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