UK Campaigns

Swallowing Awareness Day 2024

Swallowing Awareness Day is a time to raise awareness of how speech and language therapists (SLTs) help people living with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.

Eating, drinking and swallowing is an essential part of most people’s day and is often taken for granted, but for some people it is not that easy. Eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, also known as dysphagia, can affect a person’s quality of life and can lead to other health complications. This is why SLTs have a pivotal role in this area.  

This year’s Swallowing Awareness Day takes place on Wednesday 13 March, as part of Nutrition and Hydration Week.

We have created a range of resources in English and Welsh to support your Swallowing Awareness Day activity including posters and social media graphics, and this year you can also order stickers.

Don’t forget to use #SwallowAware2024 and keep the conversation about eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties going

Raising the profile of speech and language therapy

Following the recent UK General Election, the RCSLT is encouraging speech and language therapists, and people accessing speech and language therapy and their families and carers, to contact their local MPs.  

For more information about how you can lend your support, visit Raising the profile of speech and language therapy

England based campaigns

For information about campaigns we’re running to promote change across England, visit our Campaigns page for England