Response to Curriculum and Assessment Review's interim findings

19 March 2025

The Curriculum Assessment Review published their interim findings on Tuesday 18 March 2025

This week, the Curriculum and Assessment Review published its interim findings, following a call for evidence in the autumn. 

We welcome the report’s recognition that the current system is not working well for everyone, identifying socio-economically disadvantaged pupils, and pupils with SEND as two groups who are underserved by the education system. 

However, we are surprised and disappointed that the report does not specifically address the need to improve the way that speech, language and communication skills are supported across the curriculum. We were particularly surprised by this omission, given that the oracy skills were mentioned in the Review’s Terms of Reference, and the Labour Party Manifesto states that every child should have support to develop essential speaking skills. 

As highlighted in our evidence to the review, speech, language and communication skills underpin educational progress, and are vital to set young people up for success in life and work. 

The Review’s Polling identified that 32% of parents and 22% of Key Stage 4 Learners would have liked more focus on communication skills during their secondary education. However, the poll provided a narrow definition of communication skills focused on debating and public speaking. The Review must recognise that communication is also fundamental to other skills prioritised by parents including creative thinking and problem solving (39%) and employment and interview skills (36%). 

If the Review is to deliver on its ambition to equip children and young people with the knowledge and skills to adapt and thrive in the world and the workplace, and if the Government is to deliver on its mission to break down the barriers to opportunity, the Review Panel must ensure that communication skills are central to its final report.