RCSLT response to BBC News article about screen time impact on children

2 May 2019

4 January 2019

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) was interested to see the BBC News article: “Worry less about children’s screen use, parents told,” published today (4 January 2019).

The article accurately reports that the evidence into screen time impact on children is inconclusive. Parents and carers should also see The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) guidance on how vital face-to-face social interaction is for young children in developing their language and other skills, for further useful information.

The RCPCH guidance states that: “Screen-based interaction is not an effective substitute for this,” which is important advice that speech and language therapists will echo across the UK.

Further research into the impact of screen time on speech, language and communication development would be welcomed by the RCSLT.