RCSLT launches new leadership programme

10 June 2024

RCSLT are pleased to launch a new leadership programme for our members. The programme has been developed to inspire our members to become future healthcare leaders. Find out more and download the application pack to apply for a place today.

Inspire – the RCSLT’s new leadership programme, has been created to provide our members with a learning experience which fulfils their leadership expectations.

During the programme you will learn how your leadership behaviours affect the culture and climate you, your colleagues, and teams work in. You will also understand how your actions and behaviours affect the experiences of patients and service users and the quality of care provided to them.

The programme consists of two in-person days and three virtual seminars as well as self-directed learning. There are 18 places available for the first cohort of the programme, which is open to RCSLT members across the whole of the UK who fulfil our selection criteria.

We are particularly looking for members who aspire to take on leadership responsibility within 12 months of programme completion and/or those who have been appointed as a leader within the last 6 months.

To apply for the programme applicants will need to complete an application form which includes uploading a copy of their C.V. (max. 2 pages) and completing a 250-word expression of interest statement. Find out more and download the application pack now. Applications are open until midnight on 8 July 2024.

RCSLT is committed to being an inclusive membership organisation. We welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability.