Plastic-free trial a success

23 October 2019

Many thanks to everyone who provided feedback on our plastic-free Bulletin mailing trial over the past three months. We’re pleased to announce that it has been a resounding success, and we will be continuing with the ‘naked mailing’ method.

It has been heart-warming to hear just how passionate the speech and language therapy profession is when it comes to reducing waste and lessening our impact on the planet. We’ve published a selection of members’ feedback we received in the October issue of Bulletin.

Of course there were a few instances of the magazine arriving damaged, and the Bulletin production team has weighed up this inconvenience to the members affected and the resources required to have these magazines resent.

However, given that the vast majority of members received their magazine in good condition, and the amount of plastic waste saved, the decision to continue plastic-free was an easy one.
Please continue to let us know if you have any thoughts or feedback on the Bulletin distribution process.