Northern Ireland election manifesto roundup

29 April 2022

Ahead of the Northern Ireland Assembly election on 5 May, the RCSLT’s NI team review the five main political parties’ manifestos.

Having lobbied each of the parties, the NI team is delighted to see some of the RCSLT’s key asks on workforce, accessible communication and early years reflected.

DUP – workforce and early years

The DUP commit to increase the number of training places for professionals in line with the workforce strategy. Their manifesto also mention early years – “parents need supported to understand that early language development and play are very important”.

Alliance – Communication Access UK

The Alliance manifesto includes “assisting with removing communication barriers and support the work of the RCSLT”. Alliance also mention supporting the Community Rehabilitation Alliance’s call for a rehabilitation framework and will seek to introduce one as early as possible.

SDLP – workforce

The SDLP recognises that allied health professionals are being “failed by a broken system” and that our “workforce is exhausted and burnt out”. They commit to better workforce planning and promote the importance of multidisciplinary team presence across all sectors.

Sinn Féin – workforce

The Sinn Féin manifesto mentions “recruit[ing] and retain[ing] more nurses, doctors and health care workers”.

UUP – early years

The UUP highlighted a focus on a seamless journey to preschool, school and beyond, where every child is provided with the appropriate level of support needed in a timely manner. They also call for, “greater collaboration between health and education to develop further the services to identify and assess development delay and/or special educational needs.”

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