Key worker status during lockdown

8 January 2021

As we begin another challenging lockdown period across much of the UK, the RCSLT is working hard to support members across all sectors.

Some members, particularly independent speech and language therapists and assistants, have asked us about establishing key worker status.

We have worked with ASLTIP to provide official letters confirming that our members meet the government definition of a key worker.

If you are an RCSLT member and need evidence of your key worker status, please visit our members’ page to download an official letter. Please note you will have to be logged in to view this page.

The RCSLT regards all registered and practising speech and language therapists as key/critical workers. This includes those employed by the NHS, other employers or independently.

For the purposes of vaccine prioritisation, the RCSLT recognises all registered and practising speech and language therapists providing face to face therapy, along with students on placement and SLT assistants in the same settings, as frontline health and care workers. This includes school and community settings.

Read our full statement on key worker and vaccine eligibility.

Further resources

We would also like to remind members of the RCSLT resources that are available on our website:

If you need further advice, please don’t hesitate to email