Have your say on curriculum guidance and NQP goals

12 June 2024

RCSLT are asking for your input into two reviews that are taking place this year – curriculum guidance and NQP goals. Please join one of our listening events and/or complete our survey to help us with this important work.

The curriculum guidance for pre-registration education of speech and language therapists provides a blueprint to support and guide educational leaders and partners in developing degree-level entry routes to the profession using RCSLT’s previous core capabilities. These capabilities have now been superseded by the four domains and five core components within the professional development framework and we are reviewing the curriculum guidance to ensure this is reflected in it. We also want to ensure we hear your views on whether the guidance remains fit for purpose, informative and whether all the clinical areas are in touch with the skills required by a graduating SLT.

After graduation, all newly qualified practitioners (NQPs) are required to complete a set of 24 goals to support their learning and encourage development in the first year of practice. These goals are then used as evidence of readiness to transfer to a full RCSLT membership. We are also reviewing these goals to ensure they align with the professional development framework. The goals are updated every five years, and we want to ensure this update reflects the current and future needs of all NQPs.

Please complete our survey by 1 July to input into both the curriculum guidance and NQP goals review.

We will be following up the survey with workshops to discuss specific areas of the curriculum guidance in July and August. For the NQP goals, we are currently holding a series of online co-creation events where we can directly meet and hear from you.

The NQP goals process is an important part of an SLTs journey, and so is particularly relevant for students who will graduate to become NQPs, current NQPs, as well as managers and supervisors involved in the process. We are keen to hear from all of these groups, as well as anyone else with an interest.

You are welcome to join any of the four events, although each one of the first three will have a particular focus group.

  • Wednesday 26 June, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on students)
  • Thursday 27 June, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on current NQPs)
  • Tuesday 2 July, 12pm – 1pm (with a focus on managers and supervisors)
  • Tuesday 2 July, 7pm – 8pm (open to all)

Register to attend one of our NQP goals events.