Anti-racism in AHP education

17 April 2023

The Council of Deans of Health have published a new report ‘Anti-racism in AHP Education: Building an Inclusive Environmentwhich highlights the issues affecting minority ethnic Allied Health Professions (AHP) students and provides recommendations for how universities can embed the key principles of anti-racism within their processes.

The report was developed through a series of workshops, which RCSLT was involved in alongside colleagues from universities, and the collection of best practice case studies covering a range of professions.

Thank you to all the universities who submitted case studies about their work on anti-racism in speech and language therapy programmes, five of which are featured in the report. Several key issues were identified in the report and the case studies demonstrate the steps being taken to address many of these, including the use of RCSLT’s anti-racism programme of learning.

We will of course be reviewing the recommendations made in the report carefully and discussing with higher education institutions what more we can learn and apply in the speech and language therapy context.

Earlier this year we also published our anti-racism survey report as part of our work into supporting anti-racism within speech and language therapy.