1 March 2024
RCSLT have published a new guide to help speech and language therapists (SLTs), assistant SLTs, and student SLTs navigate Ramadan and support their patients and families during this month.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar in which Muslims around the world observe a fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining entirely from food and drink. This year Ramadan is expected to begin on Monday 11 March, depending on the sighting of the moon.
The guidance was developed by a group of Muslim members and provides an overview of what fasting in Ramadan involves and how speech and language therapists (SLTs), SLT assistants and students may support their patients and families during this month. It also includes tips for universities, employers, and colleagues to help them support Muslim student SLTs and colleagues.
Read an SLTs guide to navigating Ramadan
While the guide cannot fully cover every aspect of Ramadan, it endeavours to emphasise the fundamental elements of Ramadan while recognising the significance of individual differences and practices. It includes practical information that may be useful when working with Muslim service users who may or may not be fasting, as well as considerations for swallowing assessments and medication use. There are also some Ramadan-themed activities SLTs may choose to include in therapy to acknowledge the month and promote inclusivity.