The latest in funding, opportunities and resources relating to research and evidence-based practice in the speech and language therapy profession.
Last updated: March 2025
This page includes the latest in funding, opportunities and resources relating to research and evidence-based practice in the speech and language therapy profession.
The opportunities listed here will usually be updated bi-monthly, but relevant closing dates and deadlines are included where relevant.
For feedback on the content of this page, or if you would like to include something on this webpage in the next update please contact
We also send out a bi-monthly research newsletter with the latest news and updates relevant to research and evidence-based practice. You can sign up by emailing
You can now find a brand new ‘AHP research funding directory’ through the CAHPR website! Another quick and easy way to keep up to date on the latest opportunities and signposting to further details, covering all the different schemes across the four nations of the UK. Check out the funding directory.
CAHPR have also launched an online hub for ‘Innovation resources’ across the UK, an excellent place to find out more about innovation policies, guidance and opportunities. Check out the innovation resources.
Researchers at the University of Oxford, through the NIHR ARC have launched a new tool to help bridge research and health policy, including an interactive map to empower researchers to navigate complex UK health policy landscape. Find out more and access the map.
New guides on implementation, knowledge mobilisation and impact from a cross-ARC project has been published. You can choose your level to find appropriate guides based on your prior knowledge of implementation, knowledge mobilisation and impact. Check out the guides.
Inclusive research opportunities and resources
A new toolkit to help researchers develop more equitable and representative research (the ‘REP-EQUITY Toolkit’) has been produced. You can read the open access article, research briefing or access further videos and press releases about the project to find out more.
A new intercultural awareness toolkit to support anybody, including practitioners and researchers, working with asylum seekers and migrants has been published. The toolkit covers core intercultural principles including cultural competence, intersectionality and micro-incivilities. It also provides employers with practical tools to implement intercultural awareness within organisations. Read more and access the toolkit.
The University of Southampton have full PhD scholarships as part of their Black Futures programme. Find out more and how to apply.
The University of Brighton have a full funded PhD opportunity to explore ‘Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion: Wellbeing and Dignity in Health and Social Care’, Closing date: March 30, 2025.
A new publication may be of interest to members:
Eikerling, M. et al. (2025) International perspectives and attitudes towards speech and language therapy and multilingualism. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1–24. Doi:10.1080/02699206.2024.2447533.
Project / programme grants and funding
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
- Programme Grants for Applied Research. Closes 2 April 2025.
- EME programme: Novel non-pharmacological approaches for diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Closes 5 August 2025.
- HTA Programme researcher-led primary research or evidence synthesis. Closes 7 May.
- NIHR NICE rolling funding opportunity: HTA Programme (closes 7 May 2025), PHR Programme (closes 25 April 2025), EME programme (closes 8 April 2025)
- HSDR Programme Researcher-led. Closes 20 May 2025.
- HSDR programme: Improving health and social care services for working age people with multiple long-term conditions. Closes 20 May 2025.
- Care, support and rehabilitation for patients with brain tumours: HTA Programme (Closes 7 May 2025) and HSDR programme (closes 20 May 2025).
- NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling funding opportunity: HSDR Programme (Closes 20 May 2025), HTA Programme (closes 8 May 2025), PHR Programme (Closes 25 April 2025) and EME programme (closes 8 April 2025).
- Continuing areas of research interest to the PHR Programme. Closes 25 April 2025.
- PHR Programme researcher-led. Closes 25 April 2025.
- HTA programme: The effectiveness of technologies for people living with deafblindness in social care settings. Closes 2 April 2025.
- EME Programme Researcher-led. Closes 8 April 2025.
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
- Cross – UKRI Proof of Concept funding. Closes 29 May 2025.
Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Researching motor neurone disease: highlight notice. No closing date.
- Researching ME/CFS: highlight notice. No closing date.
- Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one. Closes 19 March 2025.
- MRC: partnership: responsive mode. Closes 30 April 2025.
- Neurosciences and mental health: programme grant; new investigator grant; research grant. All close 30 April 2025.
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two. No closing date.
- ESRC responsive mode: new investigator grants round two. No closing date.
- ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two. No closing date.
- Wellcome Career Development Awards. Closes 30 April 2025.
- Wellcome Discovery Awards. Closes 8 April 2025.
Leverhulme Trust
- Research Project Grants. Closes 21 March 2025.
- Philip Leverhulme Prizes. Closes 14 May 2025.
- Research Leadership Awards. Closes 30 May 2025.
Nuffield Foundation
- Research, Development and Analysis Fund. Outlines due Spring 2025.
- Racial Diversity UK Fund. Outlines due Autumn 2025.
Other research funders
- Alzheimer’s UK Project grants. Closes 28 March 2025.
- MND Scotland Gordon Aikman Scholarship. Closes 31 March 2025.
Fellowships and clinical academic opportunities
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
- Predoctoral Award cohort 1. Closes 20 March 2025.
- Pre-Application Support Fund round 5. Closes 27 March 2025.
- Development and Skills Enhancement (DSE) award cohort 6. Closes 27 March 2025.
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Fellowships
- Daphne Jackson Fellowship. No deadline.
- Future Leaders Fellowships: round 10. Closes 18 June 2025.
Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Career development award. Closes 16 April 2025.
- Predoctoral clinical research training fellowship. Closes 9 April 2025.
- Postdoctoral clinical research training fellowship. Closes 9 April 2025.
- Clinician scientist fellowship. Closes 9 April 2025.
Wellcome Trust
- GW4-CAT HP – GW4 Clinical Academic Training Programme for Health Professionals. Funding for salary replacement for individuals interested in a PhD in discovery science at the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. AHPs are especially welcome to apply. More information.
Leverhulme Trust
- Major Research Fellowships. Closes 9 May 2025.
Other funders
- Alzheimer’s UK Pre-doctoral clinical bursary. Closes 28 March 2025.
We now share only funded project-based PhD opportunities, sourced from
Note, that there may be opportunities to apply for funding with institutions to pursue other PhD topics and we encourage you to contact relevant universities and browse Find a PhD to explore this.
Latest opportunities:
- Fully Funded WGSSS ESRC General Studentships via the Linguistics and Bilingualism Pathway, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University, Closing date: Not specified.
- Identifying Drivers of Language Development in Children’s Interactions, University of Manchester, Closing date: 15 March 2025.
- Using Multi-Methods Research to Explore the Psychological, Neural, and Physiological Correlates of Age-Related Hearing Loss, University of Lancaster, Closing date: 28 March 2025.
- Measuring Cognitive Outcomes in People with Intellectual Disability, University of Birmingham, Closing date: 31 March 2025.
- Student-Led Proposals on Health and Wellbeing: Systems-Informed and/or Community-Based Approaches to Improving Health and Wellbeing, University of Stirling, Closing date: 24 March 2025.
- Longitudinal Determinants of Mental Well-Being Amongst People with Intellectual Disabilities: Risk, Protective, and Compensatory Factors, University of Birmingham, Closing date: 5 May 2025.
- Children’s Media and the Neurodivergent Mind, Queen Mary University of London, Closing date: 21 March 2025.
- Predictors of Autism in Children with Genetic Syndromes Associated with Intellectual Disability, University of Surrey, Closing date: 31 March 2025.
- Community Hubs and Their Role in Addressing Social Determinants of Health: A Realist Evaluation, Lancaster University, Closing date: 28 March 2025.
- Developing Career Pathways for NMAHP Clinical Academic Roles, University of Stirling, Closing date: 24 March 2025.
- Neurodiversity in Parent-Child Relationships in the Early Years: Researching the Diversity of the Parent-Infant System and Developing Guidance, University of Birmingham, Closing date: 3 May 2025.
- Navigating the Mental Capacity Act to Support Sexual Decision-Making for People with Learning Disabilities, Manchester Metropolitan University, Closing date: 14 March 2025.
- Co-Production of an Education and Training Framework in Shared Decision-Making to Enable Healthcare Practitioners to Deliver Person-Centred Care to People with Aphasia, Manchester Metropolitan University, Closing date: 14 March 2025.
- Doctoral Bursaries are available from the Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language Research Centre, Queen Margaret University on:
- Navigating Dual Sensory Loss (deafblindness) in Scotland: A Qualitative Exploration of Lived Experiences and Policy Implications (BUR 25-04)
- The application of ultrasound technology to speech and language therapy – ultrasound evaluation of swallowing and/or laryngeal ultrasound (BUR 25-05)