ESLA – the European Speech and Language Association

What is ESLA?

ESLA, the European Speech and Language Therapy Association, is a pan-European umbrella organisation that includes 30 member associations across 27 countries, representing over 50,000 European speech and language therapy professionals. ESLA was previously known as CPLOL.

ESLA is made up of speech and language therapy organisations from both EU and non-EU countries. It was created as CPLOL in 1988 to provide a forum to discuss collaboration between speech and language therapy associations at an international level. This includes the professional profile, charter of ethical practice and an analysis of professional speech and language therapy education across Europe.

Visit the ESLA website or download this flyer (PDF) to find out more.

What does ESLA do?

The strategic objectives of ESLA are to:

  1. Be the authoritative voice of speech and language therapy in Europe.
  2. Increase recognition, promotion and protection of the profession.
  3. Ensure the sustainability of the organisation.

What are the benefits of engaging with ESLA for RCSLT members?

The benefits of RCSLT’s active engagement include:

  • Access to European networks of SLTs.
  • Facilitation of collaborations in practice development, education and research.
  • CPD opportunities.
  • Access to ESLA data on European speech and language therapy education, training, practice, research evidence, terminology.
  • Facilitation of information sharing about professional registration requirements between UK and European SLTs.
  • Facilitated access to European grant information.
  • Enablement of active involvement in European-wide projects.
  • Lobbying work at European level to raise profile of our work and rights of people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and swallowing disorders.
  • Raising RCSLT’s international profile.

How can I find out more or get involved?

To find out more or get involved in developments with ESLA, please contact the RCSLT representative to ESLA, Dr Mark Jayes.

The RCSLT also has an ESLA Action Group comprising Mark Jayes, Hannah Harvey, Hazel Roddam, Katie Levy, Lesley Cherriman, Raman Kaur, Roberta Tomasoni-Major and Susan Guthrie. The purpose of the action group is to raise the profile of ESLA and its activities within the RCSLT membership and to respond enquiries relating to UK SLT practice from other ESLA member countries. The group use teleconferencing and meet face to face once a year.

ESLA events

European Day of SLT – 6 March

ESLA celebrates European Day of Speech and Language Therapy on 6 March every year. The purpose is to raise awareness of communication and swallowing difficulties and the role of SLTs throughout Europe.

Each year has a specific theme, focusing on a clinical topic. The theme for 2022 is ‘speech and language therapy across the age span’.

View the poster (PDF) for the 2022 event.

For more information about European Day plans, contact

ESLA’s Scientific Congress

The 11th ESLA congress will take place from 26-28 May 2022. Its theme is ‘New frontiers in speech and language therapy: advancing practice, research and education’.

The congress will be a hybrid event, with a face-to-face event in Salzburg, Austria, and a simultaneous online programme, featuring live and pre-recorded oral and poster presentations on a wide range of paediatric and adult specialisms. The programme will feature innovative content that is relevant to speech and language therapy students, practitioners and researchers working in diverse settings and locations.

Find out more about the 2022 ESLA congress.