Related competency frameworks
Videofluroscopy competencies
Recommended for all SLTs involved in videofluoroscopies
FEES competency framework
For SLTs working with patients with dysphagia who are referring for a fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) assessment and/or performing FEES
FEES position paper
Defines best practice for the use of the instrumental assessment FEES and sets out the knowledge, skills and training required to achieve competency and safe and quality care
Pre-registration EDS competencies
Learn more about the pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies, their role in future-proofing the profession, and how they are relevant to you.
Neonatal dysphagia competency framework
A training and competency framework for SLTs working with neonates with feeding or swallowing difficulties
SLT EDS competency framework
An SLT specific EDS competency framework, bringing together knowledge, skills and practical competencies for use throughout the SLT’s career