Guidance on implementation timelines for pre-registration EDS competencies

This guidance has been developed in response to queries about the timeline of implementation for the RCSLT pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing (EDS) competencies for courses of varying durations.


The aim of the guidance is to clarify when pre-registration speech and language therapy courses need to start teaching and delivering against the competencies to meet the implementation deadline of academic year (AY) 2025-2026.

Ideally, we would hope that all courses have at least begun planning for the implementation of the RCSLT pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing (EDS) competencies during academic year 2021-2022, in the hopes that they will begin implementation during academic year 2022-2023.

This is in order to be prepared for the implementation deadline of academic year (AY) 2025-2026 and the introduction of the competencies into the HCPC SOPs in 2026.

However, we understand that this will not be achievable for every course (particularly Master’s and part-time courses), and so we have put together this timeline guide to support you in the implementation process.

Please note that some HEIs will continue to follow the RCSLT Dysphagia Training and Competency Framework (2014) (PDF) prior to implementing the pre-registration EDS competencies. If the learner has been signed off at level C during this period, they are likely to not require a post basic course or formalised work-based training programme.

The pre-registration EDS competencies are not directly comparable to the RCSLT Dysphagia Training and Competency Framework (2014). This document is due for review, and will produce a competency framework which encompases pre-reg EDS. There may also be some exceptional cases that do not fit into the following timeline. Please liaise with the RCSLT where you have questions about these specific cases.

2 year course duration (Autumn or Winter start)

Entry prior to 2024

Upon graduation, learners entering prior to January, September, or October 2024 and completing their course while the competency framework is being implemented will be expected to:

  • Complete a post-basic course, with clinical experience hours and formal end point assessment or receive a formalised work-based training programme in EDS with a signing off point via a programme which is very specific to that workplace in accordance with RCSLT 2014 Dysphagia training and competency framework.
  • Go into the workplace carrying a portfolio-type document which sets out their personal profile in respect of competencies and what they need to do to achieve these, if required for the role.

Learners will expect that it is their own responsibility to set out for employers where they are uniquely profiled in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

Entry from January 2024 onwards

Upon graduation, learners entering in January, September, or October 2024 onwards will expect to:

  • Be mentored in a Band 5 (or equivalent) post for EDS, aligned to mentoring in communication if required for their post.
  • Go into the workplace carrying an audit-type document which demonstrates their competencies at the point of graduation. This will be their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies which will be the starting point for EDS mentoring. This profile should include the ability to:
    • Discuss the importance of EDS and the service user’s goals with the service user/family/carer
    • Identify information required from case history and referral information, and obtain detailed background information from case notes relevant to EDS, including the service user/family/carer perspective
    • Apply health and safety procedures related to EDS difficulties
    • Use appropriate assessments to observe, record and evaluate EDS patterns, including trials of proposed intervention(s)
    • Evaluate oral, facial, and swallowing functioning of service users at risk of EDS difficulty
    • Recognise the signs and symptoms oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia to inform diagnostic hypotheses
    • Synthesise information on psychological, social, and biomechanical factors with assessment findings and apply knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation and compensatory techniques to formulate diagnoses and develop person-centred intervention plans
    • Explain management programmes to service users/family/carers and relevant team members
    • Identify specific person-centred outcomes to support review scheduling and identification of appropriate discharge points
    • Identify situations that require the initiation of safeguarding discussions

Employers will be given details of what is expected of them and the learner. Learners should supplement this information with their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

2.5 or 3 year course duration

Entry prior to 2023

Upon graduation, learners entering prior to September or October 2023 and completing their course while the competency framework is being implemented will expect to:

  • Complete a post basic course, with clinical experience hours and formal end point assessment or receive a formalised work-based training programme in EDS with a signing off point via a programme which is very specific to that workplace in accordance with RCSLT 2014 Dysphagia training and competency framework. 
  • Go into the workplace carrying a portfolio-type document which sets out their personal profile in respect of competencies and what they expect to still experience and demonstrate / evidence competency.

Learners will expect that it is their own responsibility to set out for employers where they are uniquely profiled in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

Entry from September 2023 onwards

Post-graduation, learners entering in September or October 2023 onwards will expect to:

  • Be mentored in a Band 5 (or equivalent) post for EDS, aligned to mentoring in communication. 
  • Go into the workplace carrying an audit-type document which demonstrates their competencies at the point of graduation. This will be their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies which will be the starting point for the EDS mentoring. This profile should include the ability to:
    • Discuss the importance of EDS and the service user’s goals with the service user/family/carer 
    • Identify information required from case history and referral information, and obtain detailed background information from case notes relevant to EDS, including the service user/family/carer perspective
    • Apply health and safety procedures related to EDS difficulties
    • Use appropriate assessments to observe, record and evaluate EDS patterns, including trials of proposed intervention(s)
    • Evaluate oral, facial, and swallowing functioning of service users at risk of EDS difficulty
    • Recognise the signs and symptoms oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia to inform diagnostic hypotheses
    • Synthesise information on psychological, social, and biomechanical factors with assessment findings and apply knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation and compensatory techniques to formulate diagnoses and develop person-centred intervention plans
    • Explain management programmes to service users/family/carers and relevant team members
    • Identify specific person-centred outcomes to support review scheduling and identification of appropriate discharge points
    • Identify situations that require the initiation of safeguarding discussions

Employers will be given details of what is expected of them and the learner. Learners should supplement this information with their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

4 year course duration

Entry prior to 2022

Post-graduation, learners entering prior to September or October 2022 and completing their course while the competency framework is being implemented will expect to:

  • Complete a post basic course, with clinical experience hours and formal end point assessment or receive a formalised work-based training programme in EDS with a signing off point via a programme which is very specific to that workplace in accordance with RCSLT 2014 Dysphagia training and competency framework. 
  • Go into the workplace carrying a portfolio-type document which sets out their personal profile in respect of competencies and what they expect to still experience and demonstrate / evidence competency.

They will expect that it is their own responsibility to set out for employers where they are uniquely profiled in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

Entry from September 2022 onwards

Post-graduation, learners entering in September or October 2022 onwards and/or completing their course by AY 2025-2026 (depending on HEI implementation timeline) will expect to:

  • Be mentored in a Band 5 (or equivalent) post for EDS, aligned to mentoring in communication.
  • Go into the workplace carrying an audit-type document which demonstrates their competencies at the point of graduation. This will be their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies which will be the starting point for the EDS mentoring. This profile should include the ability to:
    • Discuss the importance of EDS and the service user’s goals with the service user/family/carer 
    • Identify information required from case history and referral information, and obtain detailed background information from case notes relevant to EDS, including the service user/family/carer perspective
    • Apply health and safety procedures related to EDS difficulties
    • Use appropriate assessments to observe, record and evaluate EDS patterns, including trials of proposed intervention(s)
    • Evaluate oral, facial, and swallowing functioning of service users at risk of EDS difficulty
    • Recognise the signs and symptoms oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia to inform diagnostic hypotheses
    • Synthesise information on psychological, social, and biomechanical factors with assessment findings and apply knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation and compensatory techniques to formulate diagnoses and develop person-centred intervention plans
    • Explain management programmes to service users/family/carers and relevant team members
    • Identify specific person-centred outcomes to support review scheduling and identification of appropriate discharge points
    • Identify situations that require the initiation of safeguarding discussions

Employers will be given details of what is expected of them and the learner. Learners should supplement this information with their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

6 year (part-time) course duration

Disclaimer: For part-time courses, we understand that learners who will graduate in AY 2025-2026 have already entered the course. We do not expect HEIs to have already begun implementing the competency framework in time for these learners to complete their degrees. Therefore, students graduating in AY 2025-2026 from part-time, six-year-long courses will not be penalised if they have not completed the competencies.

Entry prior to 2022

Post-graduation, learners entering prior September 2022 and completing their course while the competency framework is being implemented will expect to:

  • Complete a post basic course, with clinical experience hours and formal end point assessment or receive a formalised work-based training programme in EDS with a signing off point via a programme which is very specific to that workplace in accordance with RCSLT 2014 Dysphagia training and competency framework. 
  • Go into the workplace carrying a portfolio-type document which sets out their personal profile in respect of competencies and what they expect to still experience and demonstrate / evidence competency.

They will expect that it is their own responsibility to set out for employers where they are uniquely profiled in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

Entry from September 2022 onwards

Post-graduation, learners entering in September 2022 onwards and/or completing their course by AY 2025-2026 (depending on HEI implementation timeline) will expect to:

  • Be mentored in a Band 5 (or equivalent) post for EDS, aligned to mentoring in communication. 
  • Go into the workplace carrying an audit-type document which demonstrates their competencies at the point of graduation. This will be their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies which will be the starting point for the EDS mentoring. This profile should include the ability to:
    • Discuss the importance of EDS and the service user’s goals with the service user/family/carer 
    • Identify information required from case history and referral information, and obtain detailed background information from case notes relevant to EDS, including the service user/family/carer perspective
    • Apply health and safety procedures related to EDS difficulties
    • Use appropriate assessments to observe, record and evaluate EDS patterns, including trials of proposed intervention(s)
    • Evaluate oral, facial, and swallowing functioning of service users at risk of EDS difficulty
    • Recognise the signs and symptoms oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia to inform diagnostic hypotheses
    • Synthesise information on psychological, social, and biomechanical factors with assessment findings and apply knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation and compensatory techniques to formulate diagnoses and develop person-centred intervention plans
    • Explain management programmes to service users/family/carers and relevant team members
    • Identify specific person-centred outcomes to support review scheduling and identification of appropriate discharge points
    • Identify situations that require the initiation of safeguarding discussions

Employers will be given details of what is expected of them and the learner. Learners should supplement this information with their own unique profile in respect of EDS competencies if relevant to their post.

Summary table

If your program length is… Then the first cohort which will graduate with the EDS competencies should (at the latest) enter in… And complete their degree in…
2 years (Autumn start) September/October 2024 September 2026
2 years (Winter start) January 2024 January 2026
2.5 years September 2023 January 2026
3 years September/October 2023 September 2026
4 years September/October 2022 September 2026
6 years (part-time) September 2022 September 2028