Raising concerns about racism

If racism or bullying in your workplace or place of education and training is affecting you or your service users, the RCSLT is here to help you. All employers and universities have a responsibility to listen and respond.

Take these steps to raise your concerns:

  1. Refer to your local HR or university policies and procedures. They will outline what you should do.
  2. If your concern is about patient care, refer to local service policies.
  3. Refer to the RCSLT’s guidance on best practice and meeting the standards set by the HCPC.
  4. Refer to the HCPC standards.
  5. Raise your concern with the appropriate person – eg a dedicated officer dealing with racism and discrimination, or your line manager.
  6. If you think your concerns are not being taken seriously or investigated appropriately, involve your local Freedom to Speak Up guardian or the union.
  7. If your concerns are about an HCPC registrant, you can contact the HCPC directly to raise concerns.
  8. If you are a student and your concern is about a placement, raise your concerns immediately so that you can be supported. Do not wait until after the placement has ended, even if you don’t want any action to be taken during your placement. If your concern is about a member of HEI staff, raise your concerns immediately.
  9. If you are a student, you can raise concerns (relating to placement or your HEI) through your placement provider, academic adviser, personal tutor, programme lead, student support administrator or student services. If you need support when attending meetings, HEIs should have equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) staff available. If you are unsure of what to do, you can go to the student union for advice.
  10. The RCSLT has a dedicated enquiries line. Members (and students who are not members) can call us to raise concerns or seek advice if the approaches above haven’t worked. Email info@rcslt.org or phone 020 7378 3012 for help.