Together with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) and seven other professional bodies we haveĀ co-produced an updated version of the principles of practice-based learning.
The principles act as a catalyst for conversation and structure thinking to support the thousands of practitioners who are delivering practice-based learning opportunities for our future workforce. Without a growing number of quality, sustainable placement opportunities we will not be able to prepare the AHPs of the future for practice. These principles provide a common-sense approach detailing current evidence and practical pointers to support the breadth of placement opportunities needed.
To launch the principles, we will be jointly hosting a webinar which will aim to provide an update on the principles and how you can embed these in your practice to support you, your team, and our occupational therapists and AHPs of the future to have the best possible placement experiences and introduction to their chosen career.
Places are limited.