Join this webinar and find out how AHPs are putting the Intermediate Care Framework into practice.
Are you a speech and language therapist or therapy assistant working to support people to recover and rehabilitate after an acute hospital admission?
A key recommendation of the new Intermediate Care Framework (ICF) is that people should have access to community-based, therapy-led reablement and rehabilitation interventions once they’re discharged from acute (physical) inpatient settings and virtual wards on intermediate care pathways.
Find out what else the ICF recommends and why it’s so valuable to you and the work that you do. Come to this joint webinar with other AHPs at 12.30–1.30pm, Wednesday 13 March and:
- hear from colleagues at CSP, NHSE, RCOT and RCSLT
- find out how the Leeds Health and Care Partnership have put the ICF into practice
- think about the actions you’ll take to implement the ICF in your own workplaces
- get your questions answered.
Use this Teams link to join.
If you can’t make the event on the day or watch it again, there will be a subtitled recording made available on the RCOT’s website.