Are you looking for a new challenge? Would you like to broaden your skills and experience and help shape the future of the profession at the same time?   If so, this could be the opportunity for you. The deadline for applications is 5.00pm Friday 26 July 2024. 

Help shape the future of RCSLT leadership

RCSLT is on a mission to ensure that the governance of the RCSLT is truly representative of our membership and the communities in which we live and work. We are looking for speech and language therapists who share the RCSLT’s values and behaviours and want to help deliver its ambitious Five Year Vision. 


In 2021 RCSLT embarked on an ambitious plan to improve the diversity of its boards and committees. The process for recruiting trustees and committee members has been radically transformed, putting in place a Nominations Committee to take responsibility for the strategic oversight of the selection and induction processes for the members of the RCSLT’s Board of Trustees and other governing committees. Its role is to ensure the Board: 

  • develops a diverse and representative pipeline of future leaders 
  • roles are advertised effectively 
  • RCSLT has the right mix of skills at board and committee level to ensure our leadership is inclusive and prepared to take the organisation into the future. 

The main duty of all charity trustees is to advance the purposes of their charity.  This should always be a trustee’s main focus. A charity’s trustees must carry out its charity’s purposes for public benefit. This is called the ‘public benefit requirement’. 

Being a trustee or committee member involves: 

  • Inputting strategically to the work and direction of RCSLT. We welcome a broad spectrum of opinions from members with different backgrounds and experiences 
  • Preparing for meetings by reading papers 
  • Attending 3 (Professional Practice and Policy Committee) or 4 (Board and Finance & Resources Committee) meetings a year – either virtually or in-person 
  • Working with members of staff on projects as required 
  • Undergoing training and development as appropriate 

To understand more about the roles and responsibilities of trustees and committee members, visit our board pages.

Current vacancies

We have a number of vacancies available.

Committee members

Trustee with expertise in Human Resources and Organisational Development

Why you should become a trustee or committee member


  • This is an opportunity to get directly involved in the work of the RCSLT and support the profession 
  • It’s your opportunity to ensure RCSLT represents you and your community 
  • A chance to grow your professional networks and develop your leadership skills 
  • A chance to bring your unique experiences and insights to the work of RCSLT 
  • An opportunity to get involved in areas of work and projects you’ve not been involved in previously 
  • An opportunity to be a champion for your profession who can affect change 

Who we are looking for

Applications are open to all members who are allies of minority groups and champion equality and diversity both personally and professionally. 

We welcome applications from members from under-represented groups, such as members who are Black, Asian or have a minority ethnic background, LGBTQ+ members, or members with a disability. This is not an exhaustive list. Please see a full list of protected characteristics. 

We are looking for members who share RCSLT values and behaviours. 

Listen to Leasil Burrow, Board of Trustees lay member (HR/OD), discuss her experience of being on the board:

How to apply

To apply, please provide a statement (up to 500 words) or a video or audio statement (no longer than 3 ½ minutes) setting out: 

  • A little about your work and personal background  
  • Why you are interested in being a trustee or committee member 
  • Which role or roles you are interested in 
  • How you meet the role criteria 
  • Some examples of how you have lived the values and behaviours agreed by the RCSLT Board in your work or personal life (including roles in any professional networks) 
  • Email to find out more details or complete an online application form 

The deadline for applications is 5.00pm Friday 26 July 2024. 

Find out more 

Closing date for applications is 5.00 pm Friday 26 July 2024. 

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