About Bulletin

Bulletin magazine

If you are an RCSLT member, please log in to read Bulletin online.

The RCSLT’s Bulletin magazine is the UK’s leading professional speech and language therapy publication, providing the latest speech and language therapy news, features and analysis.

Write for Bulletin

Want to write an article for a future issue? See our Bulletin writing guidelines to find out what we’re looking for and how to submit an article.

Advertising in RCSLT publications

Bulletin is the RCSLT’s quarterly print magazine for members, featuring the latest speech and language therapy news, views, features and analysis. It is the UK’s leading professional speech and language therapy publication.

Bulletin reaches more than 20,000 RCSLT members.

Advertise your product

Bulletin has unrivalled coverage of practising speech and language therapists in the UK and Ireland.

By advertising your product or service in the official magazine of the RCSLT you can position yourself in the minds of a hugely influential audience – reinforcing your brand’s position within an extremely competitive market.

Advertising within these pages will ensure that your brand and proposition is recognised and understood by the speech and language therapy community.

You’ll attract the attention of a highly targeted audience that can truly make a difference.

For advertising information or to book a Bulletin advert call 0207 880 7668 or email bulletin@redactive.co.uk

Advertise a job

For advertising a job or more information about RCSLT’s recruitment services call 020 7324 2777 or email rcsltjobs@redactive.co.uk

Non-endorsement policy

The views expressed in Bulletin are not necessarily the views of the RCSLT. Publication of advertisements or commercial content in Bulletin is not an endorsement of the advertiser or of the products and services being advertised.

Clinical excellence networks (CENs)

CEN events are now listed on the events page.

Course listings/Quick Look Dates

Course listings (previously Quick Look Dates) can now be advertised both in print and online on our dedicated page.

To advertise your course, email bulletin@redactive.co.uk or phone 020 7880 7668.

Bulletin and the environment

Along with changes to the magazine’s style and format, we’re pleased to share some of the green changes we’re making to minimise Bulletin’s impact on the environment.

Plastic free

Bulletin magazine has been plastic free since 2019 following the RCSLT’s decision to discontinue distributing its monthly magazine in polywrap. The magazine is now mailed without any wrapping.

FSC guaranteed

Bulletin is printed on a wood-free uncoated paper made from hardwood and softwood sulphate pulps, which are sourced from sustainable forests and guaranteed by the internationally recognised FSC chain of custody.

The FSC label guarantees that the trees that are harvested towards the production of Bulletin are replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.

All printing is done using vegetable-based inks.

Bulletin’s printer

Bulletin’s printer, The Manson Group, holds accreditations for PEFC and FSC papers.

The Manson Group are also working towards a number of initiatives to further reduce their impact on the environment, including:

  • Transition to Kodak Sonora Xtra process free plates to reduce energy consumption and eliminate chemical waste in prepress from March 2021
  • Electric deliveries with fresh investment in electric vehicle technology from June 2021
  • 100% renewable sourced electricity from November 2021